KBShimmer Summer 2015 Collection Part 3 - Flakes

Press sample
Hold onto your hats! Here's the last installment of the huge KBShimmer Summer 2015 release! Part 3 - The Flakes. You can see the press release here. This is going to be another picture heavy post as there are 10 shades to see!

 FOILED: The smallest of our silver flakes, Foiled offers the smoothest metallic look of the 4 shades and is best layered for full coverage
 This shade is like painting liquid metal on your nails. Super easy to apply, 2 coats here and looks amazing on!
 R-E-F-L-E-C-T: A medium sized silver flake polish
 Another easy to apply metal flake! This is 2 coats, no top coat. You can see some spaces of bare nail where the flakes aren't overlapping. This didn't bother me so much but of course you can use it as a topper over another shade or add a 3rd coat for full coverage.

 THAT’S ORE LIKE IT!: A large sized silver flake polish, very fun for nail art or laying for full coverage
 The size of the flakes made this one a bit harder to get clean edges and full coverage with 2 coats wasn't possible. I have 3 coats here. Really striking look don't you think?

 STERLING EXAMPLE: The largest of our silver flakes, this polish looks great alone or layered for full coverage
 Same concerns here as with the previous shade. Large flakes makes for a more difficult application if you aren't layering it over a base shade, and even with 3 coats you can see bare nail.
Check out chitchatnails.com if you are interested in seeing an excellent comparison post for the 4 silver flake shades!
 GREEN WEAVER: From a rosy pink, to an apple green, this shifting shade also shows hints of purple at extreme angles
 A strong color shift for me and a fairly easy application with full coverage in 2 - 3 coats.

 LOOK ON THE NIGHTSIDE: This shifting shade goes from a rich green, to a violet purple, offers hints of royal blue
 Another beautiful color shift here! Three coats for full opacity.

 MOODY HUES: Rich jewels tones in purple and blue showing off hints of copper at extreme angles

 I couldn't quite capture the beauty of this one's color shift in photos, it's more stunning in person! I have 2 - 3 coats on here.

 PROS AND BRONZE: A gold toned flake with subtle shifts to warm bronze and orange with hints of green at extreme angles
 Love this golden shifty shade! No problems with application, easy 2 coats.

 SHE’S BEYOND KELP: From lime green to blue, this shifting shade picks up shades of grass green and aqua at different angles
 A clear fave of mine, I don't know what happened to this former green hater...but I would wear this any day!
 Don't you just love it?

 TAKE THE PUNNY AND RUN: A color shifting shade that travels from fuchsia to lime green with shades of gold and copper between, the most vibrant shifting of the flake polishes
 This one is super stunning but even with 3 coats I had a bit of bare nail showing. Not a problem for me.. just letting you know!
 Really vivid color shifts!

Have you already shopped this collection? Are you going back for more? 

The Summer Collection is available May 15, 2015  at www.HarlowandCo.org and www.KBShimmer.com 
All the best, 
*Product(s) provided for unbiased review consideration.


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