Color Club Summer 2014 Poptastic Neon Watermarble Nail Art

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What better way to get through the mid-winter blues than with neon? Am I right? Though I must be honest..I made these back in the Summer, with my old camera and my old lighting and then well..this post got lost amongst the craziness of moving and settling in. And then it's so late you wonder if anyone wants to see it anymore. But I like it so here it is :D 
Color Club Poptastic Neon Watermarble
 Color Club Peace, Love & Polish, Not So Mellow Yellow, Right On, Bell Bottom Babe, Foxy Mama, Kapow
Color Club-Poptastic-Neon-Watermarble-Nail-art
 I can't really review formula as you see, I used them for watermarble but they worked so well for me! I used them over a white base.
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 My Foxy Mama and Kapow bled into each other a bit, not sure what causes that or how to prevent. But it's not a horrible thing anyway :P
Color Club-Poptastic-Neon-Watermarble-Nail-art
 All of these neons have a subtle but visible shimmer which I happen to think is really neat!
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Are you a fan of neon in the Winter?

These are still available for $8.50 from
All the best, 
*Product(s) provided for unbiased review consideration.


  1. Those colors are so vibrant in this water marble!

  2. That is stunning, and I love how you got the design so consistent!

  3. Thanks Lisa! Grab your shades, gonna need 'em!

  4. I think it was more skill than luck. TWO fingers, maybe. But your whole hand?? lol

  5. Wow, they're gorgeous! I like how the water marble came out. :)

  6. Wow, striking colors and a fantastic marble. It bring up the summer feeling!

  7. I love neon any time of year! This looks amazing!

  8. I'm loving bright colors in the winter right now! It's so easy to get stuck in the gloomy shades so it's nice seeing something super bright and fun :)

  9. I'm rockin' ChG's Purple Panic this week. It's a neon Hot Pink with a purple flash. Top coated with Fairy Dust, it's been keeping me sane while the snow piles up. I'd much rather stare it my pretty sparkly nails than what's going on outside.

  10. These really pop over a white base! Thankfully I don't live anywhere that gets too cold or snow (although I could do without the rain, lol), and bright nail art looks definitely make me feel better when it's dark and dreary outside.

  11. That looks great! I'm not a neon fan, but like this the look really funky :)

  12. Hi Victoria, the 70's names for these polishes, along with your tie-dye-reminiscent water marble, have me picturing the Scooby Doo Mystery Machine! Zoinks!

  13. This is absolutely lovely!! The added shimmer really makes these something to be on the lookout for.


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