Nails Inc Spitalfields fishnet magnetic swatch and review

Hello everyone! 
I have a new magnetic polish from Nails Inc. to show you today. Like them on Facebook, find them on Twitter and for a really great way to see what this company is all about, check out their Pinterest boards! Fun!!!

I had trouble getting this fishnet pattern to appear with consistency. I tried 2 separate times. If anyone has any pointers please comment and let me know what worked for you! I'm willing to give it a third time and will update with new photos if I am more successful.

This is a very pretty emerald green and application was easy.  When the magnet worked the right way, it's really neat and I would wear it! I followed the directions, and even watched their how to video on the site...maybe I just needed a thicker second coat?

Nails Inc Spitalfields fishnet magnetic
 The first 3 photos are my first attempt.

 The last 2 photos are my second attempt.

I'm really hoping three times a charm for this one!! Will let you know :)

Thanks for reading!

*Disclosure - product was provided for my honest opinion and review.


  1. It looks really good! I was eyeing this but the price is just too much for me.

  2. those are awesome <3

    please check out my last nail art :)

  3. i like the idea of it all. fishnet nails. idk- did you hold he magnet in place or move it around ur nail?

  4. Oh love this magnetic look! I only have one magnetic polish, I think I need this one too!

  5. still looks re-eeeally cool. you have really curvy nail beds, which may be the issue because the magnet is so flat.

  6. It looks really fun. I have no tips though. Magnetic polish seems so awesome but i haven't tried it...yet!

  7. I't looks more like a "fish-scales" pattern, but it's really lovely nonetheless!

    I'm having trouble using magnetic polish as well, it seems you have to use a very generous 2nd coat and be really quick about applying the magnet since polish dries so quickly and starts setting everything in stone so to speak...

    hope I was of help :)


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