Precious Gems - Zoya Ornate Nail Art

Hi everyone!
I adore when a collection is as cohesive as this Zoya Ornate Holiday Collection is. Not only is it totally "Holiday" worthy, they all look great together. All of them on one nail as I created here, or any 2 individually will look great together as well. YES!
You can see the other looks I created with this collection: 
The only one I hadn't used yet was Electra...and it was not a coincidence. Zoya describes Electra as "a micro fine diamond holographic glitter mixed with large silver holographic bar tinsel in a clear base." I was kind of afraid...I know a lot share my views...eeee...hairy!! But, I was pleasantly surprised. She was not that hard to work with and is incredibly festive!! Looking forward to creating more looks with Electra even! You can purchase Zoya from their website

 I started with 2 coats of Ziv. After this was dry I used my trusty striping tape to block off the sides of the nail and section off for the color blocks. I carefully painted on each of the Zoya ornates into their little section, pulled off the tape and top coated with Seche!

 Some shots of Ziv. This is two coats and no top coat. Goes on very easily and she glows! <3

Can you tell from all the huge pics...I love it. Just love this look. I will keep it on as long as possible!
Which is your favorite Ornate? I love them all, but if I had to pick just one, it's Blaze <3

Thanks for being here!!

*Disclosure - products in this post were sent for my honest opinion and review.


  1. Absolutely stunning and like you said, perfect for the holidays!

  2. This is very creative and looks like an ornament! Blaze is my favorite. I,also, have Ziv and Electra saved for last.

  3. No friggin Way! Amazing!

    Ziv looks close to Fergie Grammy Gold, I wish I knew if I need both ;/

  4. Very creative!
    I just got Aurora & Blaze Today & love them both.

  5. *swoon* this is such a pretty look x x x

  6. Holy dang, this is absolutely gorgeous!! (@_@)

  7. Beauteousness! So clever. I tried to come up with a way to use them all on one nail and gave up. :]

  8. Oh my god! That's GORGEOUS! Ziv looks perfect.

    And Electra almost looks like silver metal leaf, doesn't it? I'd love to see that one swatched.

  9. Great design!! I dunno, I think I'm attracted most to that red. <3

  10. I am totally borrowing this idea. SO beautiful!!

  11. I LOVE what you are doing with this collection! It's so fun to see how many great looks you can make! All the polishes play so nicely together - the possibilities are endless!

  12. This looks fab! I never would have thought to do this with the collection. I did not buy the 'hairy' glitter - was so not into the Zoya hairy glitters from holiday 2011 - but have to say the abundance of rainbow color in this yr's glitter is temping me to put it on my next order - just wish the bars were shorter. The rest of this collection is a total hit for me...and I never expected to like the gold Zive at all - but it rocks.

  13. GORGEOUS! Makes me feel like Christmas is here already :)

  14. I have a nail situation! This weekend I need my nail to be adorable. I want them too match this top:
    The polish colors I have to match the top are: Silver, blue, white, berry, and a close to berry sparkly pink. Thanks so much if you can help me!! P.s. I'm kinda thinking the ring finger should be a different color and maybe have a lace imprint?

  15. Stunning designs! LOVE your blog!

  16. Nice blog .... I read all post, I like it. Thanks web master……
    Nail Art

  17. Holy cow, this is an amazing manicure, the colors look gorgeous together, and your nails look just like christmas tree ornaments!

  18. The silvery tips look like a princess cut diamond. Very clever!


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